About Reed & Ember PLLC


Reed & Ember PLLC offers psychotherapeutic services to strengthen the community through healing, discovery, and truth, one person at a time. The focus of our treatment is assisting individual clients’ recovery, and also ensuring the quality of the mental health of the broader community. The individual cannot thrive if the community is suffering.


The Vision is that Reed & Ember PLLC would set the standard for effective psychotherapeutic treatment in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and beyond. We aim to be the most comprehensive service provider contributing to the recovery of both individual clients and to social problems in the community. We hope to achieve:

  • A Healed Community

    • To reduce mental, emotional, and/or behavioral distress and substance abuse among individuals.

  • A Strong Community

    • To orient people to know supportive connections they have and know how to form new connections.

    • To advocate for social justice and affect change on a macro level.

  • A Redeemed Community

    • To foster a cultural shift wherein the gospel can be heard as a viable option for thinking people.

The Key Values








Negotiation & Flexibility